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About PivotTable lists

A PivotTable list is an interactive table that you can use to analyze data dynamically from within your Web browser. You can use a PivotTable list to view and organize data from lists or databases, look for information or details, and create personalized summaries and reports. You can also add, edit, or delete the detail data that is displayed in a PivotTable list.

The following illustration shows a simple PivotTable list that displays summarized data.

PivotTable list example

When you create a PivotTable list, you select data from an external database or other source that you want to make available to viewers on your Web page. This data becomes the source data in the PivotTable list. You can then set up an initial presentation or view of the data, such as the summary shown in the preceding example, that analyzes the data in one of the many ways possible. You do this work in a design program, such as Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Access.

After you make the PivotTable list available on a Web page by publishing it, users who have the Microsoft Office Web Components � and a browser that supports PivotTable lists, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 or later �  can also analyze the data. In the browser or other run-time environment, users can display different fields and change your initial view to suit their needs. Depending on your design program and methods, you might also be able to make the PivotTable list available in programs other than browsers.

When to use a PivotTable list

Creating a summary report

Designing and publishing a PivotTable list